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Origami Owl Promo Codes & Coupons [SEP 2020]- Huge Offers!

Use this space to access Origami Owl promo codes and save big on your next purchase. #Click or Copy Paste below coupon/promo codes->

Free Shipping on standard orders above $50. Shop now to get this deal(OFFICIALLY FOR US CUSTOMERS)

Free Shipping on standard orders above $65. Shop now to get this deal( OFFICIALLY FOR CANADIAN CUSTOMERS)

Up to 75% Off (CANADA) for the selected charms, no coupons required, see the sales link:

Latest Charms collections start from $7 on USA online store & $8 on Canada online store!

100% Working Origami Owl Promo Codes and Coupons

Jewelry bar Hostess Offer– Do you want to earn free jewelry? Origami Owl gives you a chance by hosting jewelry bars. Origami Owl’s Jewelry Bars are unlike any other gathering you ever have been a part of. This isn’t about them but about you. You get to tell your own story through Origami Owl’s Jewelry Bar. Have fun while sharing your story, things you love and earn free jewelry too! Amazing isn’t it? Then who you are waiting for? Call all your friends together and host a Jewelry Bar to earn some free jewelry.  

An Origami Owl’s Jewelry Bar hostess enjoys perks like free meaningful customizable jewelry, free or discounted access to ‘special hostess exclusive jewelry look’. All of this while having loads of fun, frolics and laughter with your friends, as you get to connect with them over a Jewelry Bar! As a part of hostess reward system, Origami Owl has come up with opportunity like free or discounted social selling business where a hostess can splurge on her wish list items guilt free.

**[All Coupons Valid Till SEPTEMBER 2020]

Love unique customized jeweler? You sure can’t afford to miss Origami Owl then. Origami believes in being a force for good and sure excels at that. Apart from owning an exquisite jewelry piece, you also get a chance to contribute for a noble cause. For every jewelry set purchased, $5 goes towards welfare support to military families and veterans.

For jewelry aficionado, Origami Owl needs no introduction. Jewelry shouldn’t be just an accessory. What you choose to wear defines you, reflects your taste and choice, hence, it should be truly in sync with your personality.  Origami Owl does this perfectly for you by allowing you to personalize jewelry as per your passion, dreams, taste and spirit.

Origami Owl Promo Codes and Coupons [ RECENTLY EXPIRED ]

What Is Origami Owl All About? is one of the leading online jewelry sites to purchase one of its kind custom made jewelry pieces, such as bracelets, rings, charms, lockets etc. Bella, the founder and owner of Origami Owl, started her journey into the business world at the mere age of 14 with only $350 in pocket and parent’s support.

She has been quoted as saying, “I had big dreams of having my own car by my 16th birthday. At 14, my parents told me the only way I could get one was by working for it. So, with $350 and my family’s support, I started selling Living Lockets® to friends and family after school”.

The journey for Origami Owl began from Bella’s living room, where she and her family sat down to hand-  stamp and customize jewelry prepared for friends and their in-home parties. Gradually, they shifted to a mall kiosk and their reach widened to more people.

From a mall kiosk to their present day multi location chain, Origami Owl has come a long way indeed. Their meaningful and customizable jewelry has been winning hearts across several states in US and Canada.

And as for Bella’s dream to have her own car, she did achieve it and is now helping other people turn their dream into reality.

What Sets Origami Owl Apart From Others?

OrigamiOwl isn’t just any other business venture or brand. They are fiercely loyal to their designers and employees, and consider them their family. Given a chance, make sure you do visit their home office in Arizona (Chandler). They have a special place called ‘nest’ filled with caring hearts and friendly faces.

You sure will have a lot of fun. And they don’t just use big words like ‘values’, they exercise it too in reality. Community engagement, volunteer work, creativity and parties- all are the same side of coin for them. Isn’t that a company with a difference?

How To Make Origami Owl’s Special Living Locket?

Origami Owl has come up with a truly unique concept of special living locket. Choose one to tell your own meaningful story, in a compelling way, by creating a living locket for yourself. In just 5 steps you have your own tell- a- tale living locket:

  1. The first step is to choose a charm from their collection that appeals the most to you. An ideal charm is the one that would represent your dreams, passion, memories and spirit aptly. Capture the things you love, in your special living locket.
  2. The second step is to use an exquisite one of its kind keepsake to capture your story and charm in a locket.
  3. The thirds step involves attaching the living locket thus built to any of your quirky/ stylish chains.
  4. In the next step, personalize it by shopping for an inscription to be inscribed on your jewelry. This inscription can be anything meaningful to you, such as a date that holds special place in your heart, a quote worth remembering, or a monogram you feel connected to.
  5. The last and final step is to accessorize your living locket by complementing it with a meaningful earring or a sparkling dangle. Your look is complete now.

OrigamiOwl’s Shipping Policy?

Generally, standard shipping rates apply but on orders above $50 shipping is Free for US & $65 for Canada.

OrigamiOwl’s Return Policy?

Origami Owl offers a unique return policy or we should call it 90 days money back guarantee. If you do not like the product or aren’t satisfied with it, then you can ask for your money back. Presently, Origami Owl ships to over 50 US states and a few Canadian cities.


There isn’t any reason now why you shouldn’t own a fine piece by Origami Owl. It all started with passion to make personalized jewelry easily accessible to passionate women who love sharing their passion and love for life with others, and now Origami Owl features elegant pieces for every occasion.

From living room based business to present day brand status, Origami Owl today has more than 50,000 independent designers across the country contributing their unique designs and collection. The best and the loveliest part is you get to pursue your dream too. How? You can do so by part taking in social selling, wherein you sell their high quality jewelry at in- home parties, gathering or through online community.

Overall, if you believe in owning a truly remarkable, unique and personalized jewelry piece that nobody else has, Origami Owl is the right place to hit.

#TAGS: Origami Owl Promo Code 2020 | OrigamiOwl Coupons | Origami Owl Promo Codes | Origami Owl Coupon 2020

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