Octapharma Plasma Rewards & Coupons [03/2021]- Huge Deals

Octapharma plasma rewards

Want to earn some extra rewards and compensation? Here is a list of Octapharma Plasma reward codes and coupons to help you gain maximum on your next donation->

Earn MORE REWARDS this year by participating in special OPI rewards+promotions

Donate 5x/month and get a chance to win $50

**[All Rewards/Coupons Valid Till the End Of March 2021]

Use the codes and coupons provided here and draw maximum benefits from the OPI Rewards program. Enroll yourself today!

Also check: Grifols Plasma Bonuses & Coupons

Octapharma Plasma Inc. (OPI) is one of the largest companies developing human protein from human plasma and cell lines. The US based company is collecting plasma on a large scale to develop and produce life saving medications for patients all over the world.

Octapharma Plasma Rewards & Coupon Codes [RECENTLY EXPIRED]

Below we are listed few expired coupons & rewards for Octapharma Plasma Inc. Just make sure it’s gone forever or still valid. If valid please let us know through comments->

OCTA2018 – Use this promo code to get extra 10% bonus on your next plasma donation.

What is Octapharma Plasma Inc. All About?

Octapharma plasma rewards

Established in 1983, Octapharma AG is a family-owned US based pharmaceutical company with headquarters at Lachen, Switzerland.

Octapharma Plasma Inc.(OPI) is a part of Octapharma AG group renowned as one of the largest plasma products makers in the world.

With more than 7000 employees all over the world, the pharmaceutical company has presence in 113 countries and is dedicated towards improving lives of patients all around the globe.

OPI collects, tests, and supplies human plasma used in the development and production of life saving medicines.

OPI helps Octapharma AG make drugs like octagam® and albunorm® with the help of human plasma collected from donors.

Octagam® is used to treat patients with immunity disorders while albunorm® is the human albumin based medication used to treat patients with trauma, such as burn victims, shock or lower protein levels. These are just two examples, OPI helps make several such drugs, thereby transforming lives of thousands of patients worldwide.

Why should you consider donating plasma to OPI?

OPI is geared towards cultivating a strong relationship with their donors by making the experience positive and rewarding for them. The company works hard to cultivate a positive donor experience by focusing on safety, cleanliness, and positive donor support service channels.


Octapharma Reward System For Plasma Donations

There are a lot of factors determining the compensation you are likely to receive in lieu of donating blood plasma. Plasma donor fees and rewards change every other month, as well as by location. There are special reward programs for donors during a specific time of the year. Visit Octapharma Plasma Inc. Website page to know about the latest promotions.

For more information, you can visit your nearest OPI center.

Octapharma Rewards+ Program

  • Besides the donor fee, OPI also runs a loyalty program called OPI Rewards+. Regular donors are recognized and rewarded through this loyalty program, wherein, you earn points to get qualified for the tiered reward system. Benefits include gift cards, express passes, special sweepstakes promotions, and monetary compensation. Keep donating to collect loyalty points and qualify for the next tier.
  • OPI Rewards+ is an annual loyalty program that runs from January 1st to December 31st. One donation fetches you one point. Within two to three days of successful plasma donation, your loyalty points would reflect in your account. To earn extra reward points, participate in OPI’s referral program.
  • Joining OPI Rewards+ is very easy. After becoming a member, you can donate and login, at any point of time, to keep a track of points collected so far, access more information, redeem rewards, participate in special promotion schemes, and even refer friends to earn attractive bonuses. For a first time donor, it takes two successful donations to be eligible for OPI Rewards+ program.
  • Since this is an e-reward system, just be sure to always keep your email address and contact information up to date.

Donating Plasma for the first time at OPI

If you are a first time donor at OPI, just be sure to carry your social security card, valid ID proof, and proof of address with you to the centre. After verifying your details, you will be asked to fill a questionnaire that asks essential information like your lifestyle habits and medical history. You will be tested for certain mandatory health screening tests, post which you are ready to donate plasma.

Pregnant women cannot donate blood plasma.

Is Plasma Donation Safe? 

Plasma donation is 100% safe. Donate at responsible centres, such as Octapharma’s plasma collecting centres where everything coming in contact with your blood is sterile and safe.

How long is the process and how often you can donate?

Plasma donation is a pretty simple process. While your first visit might take two hours, successive visits take an hour to one and a half hour for the entire process to be complete.

The first time you are at a plasma collecting center, you will have to go through certain mandatory health screening tests and fill up forms with a questionnaire about your medical history and lifestyle. Post these tests, the plasma collection in-charge shall begin the donation process. Make sure you carry your valid ID card, social security card, and address proof. You can donate plasma twice a week with a gap of minimum of 48 hours between two successive donations.

Would it hurt to donate blood plasma?

Donating plasma doesn’t hurt more than the usual prick or pinch you feel while donating blood.


First and foremost, for the sole reason that your single donation will be contributing towards saving someone’s life. The plasma you will donate will be used in developing medicines that will come like a ray of hope to those suffering from life challenging diseases, burn victims, and other chronic diseases.

The next reason would be the compensation and reward system that plasma collecting companies like Octapharma offer.

Plasma donations aren’t something new. They have been here for a while and are crucial in making life saving drugs, as well as, facilitating healing for burn victims and people with chronic diseases. Plasma, derived from human blood, is the basic foundational element making life easier for patients all over the world. And unlike blood donations, you can donate plasma, as frequently as, twice a week with a time gap of 48 hours between two successive donations.

#TAGS: Octapharma Plasma Coupon 2021 | Octapharma Plasma Rewards | Octapharma Coupons | Octapharma Plasma Rewards 2021

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